To a
degree everyone’s wiring in how we saw the world up until 2019 has changed,
2020 is just the beginning, 2021 feels to be very interesting. When a person
reaches rock bottom, there is no other option than to rebuild themselves up
again, when the whole world hits rock bottom, we all get to rebuild together.
coronavirus isn’t the only problem we’re facing, it might seem like the
biggest, but there’s much more going on, and many of us are aware and have
questions, the more people who question, no matter the question, the greater
the growth. All those problems that were neglected last year, will need to be
addressed soon, negativity just seems to come from everywhere these days. Anger
is an instinctual emotion and not very becoming, I always think it’s best to
control that anger and write sensible mature posts worth being discussed rather
than letting that anger get the best of one’s emotions and (for example) start
calling people “Karen”. Remember in class when someone was given a funny
nickname and by days end the whole school was using that nickname? Let’s not
fall for those games, remember if your behaviour can be associated to a child
in school, maybe that’s not the behaviour you should be acting on. Yes, have fun,
don’t be a prude, for example learn to enjoy South Park, but for the most part
be sensible with your words. Conspiracy Theorist and Sheep seem to be the new
popular nicknames these days, I don’t think that’s very mature, we’re all just
people with different beliefs, different views, because we consume different
forms of media but at the end of the day, we all have the same morals. It
should not be us against us, it should be us against our broken system, not
with violence, with smarts. Look at what’s going on in wall street right now,
that is a great example of the silent majority going against the loud minority
using their brains and not their brutes.
I come
from a very small community, and since childhood have been programmed to be
respectful and understanding of many different beliefs. Gibraltar is a large
Rock, where a tiny community of various cultures live side by side with one
another, and we get along fine. Growing up all I wanted to do was get out of
Gibraltar, it was so isolated from the rest of the world, now I see this as
such a big advantage for all of us. We’re mostly sheltered from the drama,
propaganda and influence found across most other countries; I think that was so
beneficial in my up bringing. We’re most easily wired and manipulated as
children, when we are blank slates, that’s why it’s important not to mould
children, let them become their own art. Whilst we are fighting between each
other, we are not working together to help ourselves, we are just going around
in a vicious cycle, passed on from generation to generation. Being a parental
or influential figure in a child’s life is a very serious responsibility, the
way children are moulded, is the way society begins to function within a loop,
even if it’s not to our benefit. Never mould a child, especially as a group,
help them grow individually, encourage their uniqueness, support them, let them
develop into their own person, whilst providing factual knowledge to help them
in their upbringings and understanding of the life they exist within.
important to have conversations, especially the ones that make you feel
emotions, make you feel purpose, no matter what your belief, stand up for it
but never bully anyone into following your belief. If people let their anger
get the best of them when discussing important topics then it’s pointless. No
matter what side you’re on, the fact that sensible discussions can be had
around certain taboo topics, that’s where I think we shine the best. The fact
that we can then interact with each other in person, knowing we have different
viewpoints, but respecting each other for it and still allowing our friendships
to continue, that is very special. I run into a lot of people who do not share
my opinions, but are still very respectful to me when we see each other, these
people (although we share different views) have my utmost respect. I read over
conversations had on social media all around the web on a handful of topics and
I find it very interesting but also very reassuring at how mature the majority are
in their discussions. As you read various posts, you might see some fighting,
some childish and immature nonsense, a few insults but for the most part, its
actual people having respectable discussions with one another, that is rare to
find these days, but you can still find it amongst the silent majority. The
loud minority become the vocal view point and the vicious cycle continues.
Fortunately, the way most of us are wired (me included) if we’re not bombarded
by the problem constantly, we tend to move on from it and detach our emotions
from it too. What is important is to move on for the experience but remember
what you have learnt from it, don’t forget those lessons, keep them so you can
grow. Although we all shared the same experience, we faced different problems
throughout it, 2020 was unique to everybody.
aliens came and attacked us, if floods began drowning our lands, if oxygen
began to disappear, that’s when we’d realize, all these dividing problems we
create for ourselves by living within a broken system are unnecessary.
Spiritual growth can only come from human growth first, both mentally and
physically. Normally we follow a pattern planned for us since before our birth
and mentally we do not grow as rapidly as we could, 2020 that pattern was broken
after a long time, everyone faced a new chapter in their lives. If we were all
born blind, we would never know of the beauty that is sight. If a few people
explain their experience of sight, it sounds like an interesting concept but
until you are no longer blind and can see the beautify of the world with your
own eyes, that’s when you can truly believe in something. If the heart cannot
believe, the soul cannot grow, without the experiences of the body and mind to
awaken them. Let’s work together, the way things are going, it will be time to
rebuild and influence a new generation, one who should not be trapped within a
system that takes over their entire lives with “work”. The world thought
we were special enough as is to live on, without paying rent to the Universe,
yet here we are, the only animals working to maintain our existence on Earth.
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