Every creature born on this planet are naturally created antennas with a frequency which can connect to the universe through earth. The same way a wireless router (earth) would connect to the internet (universe) by using an antenna (you) to transmit frequencies (energy) to experience an online connection (spiritual connection) to pass along information. We all emit and absorb natural electromagnetic frequencies (energy) towards electromagnetic fields (energy) located naturally around our world. Therefor we could call all living creatures on this world Earth-Antennas, which do not need technology to create a spiritual connection. This natural connection between a living earth-being and the world is what I consider a spiritual connection to the universe. When one has a spiritual connection, we can share information and experiences with everybody using that exact same connection that we are using, which effects all life on earth and throughout the universe, both in body and mind. This is a good connection to have, a natural one, where both the unaltered mind and body work their unaltered frequency/energy as an Earth-Antenna, a power sauce, a battery, to connect to the spiritual world. Spirituality played a much bigger part in our world’s past, we know this from our history books, the bible and most recently YouTube videos. If earthlings have a magnetic field around us (our aura) and the earth has its own magnetic field (earths aura), just like technology achieves, should we not be able to connect humans to the world, through this natural universal frequency?

Earth-Antennas (all earth creatures) can be used as two types of antennas (natural or altered) to connect to two different connections (frequencies). The first type of Earth-Antenna connects naturally by emitting and absorbing natural energy alongside a natural world frequency, which I’ve mentioned above, both emitted and absorbed by earth’s natural magnetic energy fields. This type of Earth-Antenna connected to its natural frequency connects us to the universe through our natural born spiritual connection, which first connects our body with the earth, then sends our mind/soul (astral projecting) like an email throughout the universe. The second type of Earth-Antenna must be made by using the original naturally created antenna made by earth and altering it so it can connect to a new frequency, for a new non-spiritual connection known as an online connection. To create a new connection, a new frequency must be emitted and absorbed into earth, this is only capable when technology is introduced into the planet. These new technological, man-made, unnatural electromagnetic energy fields introduced into earth begin emitting new frequencies. There is now a number of new frequencies introduced on earth, as opposed to just one natural frequency, which the earth possessed solely, even before anyone had been born on it. With the introduction of technology, new radiofrequencies introduced into the atmosphere needed antennas to make an online connection possible, as in introducing humans to the internet. Antennas, satellites, internet towers, new technology was created to create new electromagnetic fields to communicate with these new technological frequencies.

There are now two main type of connections on earth, both with their own frequency and their own electromagnetic fields. Humans are connected to earth’s energy, to a spiritual connection whilst technology is connected to a newly introduced energy (in earth’s history) that has created an online connection. If Earth-Antennas already exist on earth and we’re connected to it, with time antennas can be rewired to change their frequency and change their spiritual connection to an online connection. In order to create the second type of Earth-Antenna, the antennas frequency has to be altered, this is done by altering the body and the mind to disconnect from the spiritual connection and connect to the online connection. All Earth-Antennas can be rewired and altered to connect to a new frequency but the antenna needs to be altered through body and mind to connect properly. Humans-Earth-Antennas are the most easily manipulated creatures on earth, since both body and mind have to be rewired in frequency to detach from the spiritual connection and onto an online connection, we’re the creatures most out of sync with the whole universe than any other of earth’s inhabitants. If we could believe that we are in fact an Earth-Antenna, one that is connected to the universe through our spiritual connection, then what excitement would our everyday life involving our online connection bring us? Everything we can do through a spiritual connection with the universe would seem much superior compared to an online internet connection within the matrix, that confines both our body and mind to earth, not just our body. A spiritual connection allows us to use the universe as an internet, as if our body were our own mobile phone and our mind the frequency signal it sends out to retrieve information. Connecting to an online connection forces us to use only the world as an internet, without the natural realism the universe is able to create for us in our connection to it. In other words, both our body and mind become our mobile phone and new frequency signals travel the world/universe and retrieve that information back to us. Imagine if your mobile phone had it’s own mobile phone to gather it’s information, what is the point of that?

The more us humans absorb and rely on technology, the more we will become antennas for an online connection and not a spiritual one. This takes decades and decades to accomplish, that is what is called evolution, human evolution on this planet has become one detached from nature, from spirituality and newly connected to technology. If we believe we are natural Earth-Antennas connected to spirituality who are being altered into rewired Earth-Antennas to connect completely to technology that takes time. That is part of evolution, this time however our evolution is taking us from a spiritual life connection to a technological reality connection. Evolution is created when the molecules and atoms in our body alter our DNA, the fundamental and distinctive characteristics or qualities of someone or something, especially when regarded as unchangeable. Proteins are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and other elements, this means that the molecules that make up the cells of the body are made of atoms. In the end, it is correct to say the body is made of cells and it’s correct to say it’s made of molecules. If we are Earth-Antennas being rewired and changed to join a different connection, seeing as we’re biological creatures and not objects, it’s a far more complicated process which takes much longer to evolve into as a species, to change our Earth-Antenna frequency for our best connection, our DNA has to be altered within evolution to make the altered Earth-Antenna connection the primary one.

Earth-Antennas or Human-Batteries, they both mean the exact same thing but in order to continue with my explanation, let’s now view ourselves as Human-Batteries instead of Earth-Antennas. In order for a battery to work, it must consist of a positive charge of energy and a negative charge of energy as well as alkaline/acidic properties. An alkaline battery is a type of primary battery which derives its energy from the reaction between zinc metal and manganese dioxide. Compared with zinc-carbon batteries of the Leclanché cell or zinc chloride types, alkaline batteries have a higher energy density and longer shelf life, yet provide the same voltage. Battery acid could refer to any acid used in a chemical cell or battery, but usually, this term describes the acid used in a lead-acid battery, such as those found in motor vehicles. Basically, an alkaline battery lasts longer and has a more natural connection, a battery is charged at night so that it powers up and becomes active during the day.

A Human-Battery is much more complicated, we also consist of a positive and negative charge, this is emitted by our feelings, emotions, diet, sleep patterns, energy. The Human-Battery also consists of alkaline and acidic properties by the foods we introduce into our bodily systems. Positive Energy is good for the body and mind, negative energy is bad for the body and mind. An Alkaline diet inside the body is good for the body and mind, an acidic diet inside the body is bad for the body and mind. We are always taught we must learn to find the balance between good and bad, pure and evil, yin and yang, body and mind, we can only exist in harmony when we find the balance within. Yin Yang is perhaps the most known and documented concept used within Taoism. A starting definition: Yin / Yang: Two halves that together complete wholeness. Yin and yang are also the starting point for change, when something is whole, by definition, it’s unchanging and complete. The body and mind are two very different things but to do what needs to be done, they both have to work together. If the body and mind are not in sync, a proper spiritual connection is not possible, nor is an official internet connection. A battery cannot work if the ingredients and structures (mind) inside the shell (body) does not fall into place properly. To alter a Human-Battery both the body and mind have to become negative and acidic overpowering it’s positive and alkaline elements. Only when one is whole are they complete and unchangeable.

In order to find harmony, one must find the perfect balance between yin and yang, light and dark, good and bad, pure and evil. That seems like the overall message but if an alkaline battery can last longer and have a much easier spiritual connection without acidic elements introduced into its system that damages its connection why balance both? Why not choose one side to fully complete you? Perhaps like a DNA structure, a Radio frequency wave structure, that pattern might be the reason for yin and yang but I still find that hard to accept. Why does one have to live with the bad balanced within the good in order to find peace? Is it because that balance gives us the greatest connection to life? The good and the bad to me personally seems like two different frequencies within the body, one makes Earth-Alkaline-Antennas and the other Earth-Acidic-Antennas and right now in evolution it is a mixture of both alkaline and acidic properties as we continue our evolution towards one. If we are whole and unchangeable and at peace only when we are one with ourselves then why must we find a balance between both, why must we not choose a side, the light positive alkaline side or the dark negative acidic side. I know this all mostly sounds ridiculous and absurd and honestly, I wish I could dedicate a whole book to each paragraph but I’m trying to explain to many things to count in one consecutive story in as few paragraphs as possible.

When the immune system is weakened, bad, negative, acidic, energy in our bodies is able to overpower our good, positive, alkaline energy also within our bodies and makes us sick, feel ill, by destroying cells, creating diseases, modifying our structure. If one side is the good energy and the other is bad energy, I do not understand why we must learn to find the balance and live with both. Would it not be more beneficial for our bodies and minds to simply be full of the good energetic properties entirely and not the bad ones? If I could choose only positivity in my system alongside a 100% alkaline diet I would. Sadly, in the world we are programmed to live in it is impossible to only feel 100% positive alongside a 100% alkaline diet. Let’s say for arguments sake that since the day we were born we were led to believe to eat much differently than we do now, only absorbing alkaline properties into our system. To a degree individuals who want to achieve this still can but it is now a much harder situation than it was in the past due to pesticides, new frequency radiation, vaccinations etc.. Now within human evolution we have been programmed to believe that acidic properties and negative emotions in our body is part of life. How can one not feel negative emotions in our life? If we lose someone we love to death does that sadness not stay with us forever? If we had a spiritual connection, we would only say goodbye to the physical body and not the mind (or its projections). Everything that makes us negative, everything that makes us acidic, everything that makes us dark, bad, it’s all been programmed into our evolution. With a spiritual connection we could feel how other people’s energy responds to ours, we would find it easier to interact socially with the people we felt more comfortable and in sync with. With a different system in place we would not have to live alongside the negativity it brings us, everything that is considered negative can be removed from earth one way or the other if we properly understood how everything works.

I know I sound like a crazy person quarantined but the thing is all this information is too much for our brains to process because of the way we have been programmed throughout our evolution. When I was young I didn’t know where meat came from, when I was older and found out I was eating animals, my gut, my instinct, my intuition, told me it was wrong but by that time I had got used to the program, it was part of my society, eating animals was normal and helped me survive. Through evolution, negative emotions and acidic diets have been programmed into our body and mind systems. Because of the society we are forced to live in, because of the creation of negativity, because of so many things, we have been reprogrammed from our natural program created by the universe. What I am saying is that science and spirituality is the exact same thing, we have just been programmed through evolution to believe it is two completely different things. Humans work just as computers do but we have mental limitations now which computers do not have as we cannot travel the universal internet of the mind. Am I saying computers did this, that’s not what I’m saying, maybe this is simply how life works, different things be they biological or technological connect to the universe through their own electromagnetic frequencies but one of the connections is getting stronger than the other, and I don’t believe it’s the original connection. Now we cannot really believe all this as our conscious mind cannot accept that scenario because of our evolutionary train of thought, but our subconscious mind is always listening. If children were born believing that science and spirituality were the same thing, in the coming next few generations they would have a much better understanding of the true meaning of spirituality. This simply means connecting your mind to the internet of the universe via your natural electromagnetic frequencies which can travel from router to router (planets) all across the universe (internet).

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