Confidence helps one succeed in all aspects of life, confident people do better in school, work, love, relationships, society, opportunities and life in general, it’s a perfect positive cycle. Confidence also leads to personal happiness, it’s easier to be happy if you feel sure about your place in the world. Inner peace, you can never truly reach that goal if you’re not confident in yourself, and that goal is one worth aiming for, self-worth is truly important. When you struggle with self-confidence, it leads to anxiety, depression, stress, anger, negativity, it’s a bad cycle. Self-Confidence is important to have, not just to be successful but help your happiness levels too, which are so important and no self-confidence stops you from reaching that goal. As you grow older and gain more life experience, your confidence in yourself will grow. The younger you are, the less sure you’ll feel about yourself, here’s a secret, one never fully know what they’re doing in life no matter their age, you’re always learning. As you grow older you just gain more life experience, which makes it easier to find your confidence and self-worth. If you’re young, don’t worry it will come and if you already have that self-worth, don’t let anyone diminish it for you.

Growing up I had no confidence, I found it very hard to feel “normal” and because I did not feel “normal” I lacked confidence. As I grew older, I just kept losing my confidence as time passed by but on certain occasions, I was overly confident for a short period of time, every now and again. Why was that I wondered? My confidence level feels like a switch, a switch inside of me which I cannot control no matter how much I try. For some reason it switches on sometimes and a few days later, it’ll switch back off again, why? That’s what I tried to figure out. Keeping my confidence is hard, my confidence comes from my happiness and relaxation, when I’m positive, I feel confident, when I’m negative, not so much. I spent a long period of my life unhappy, meaning my confidence was very low. No matter how much I tried to fight it, no matter how much I put on a strong face, the confidence, that I could not pretend. When I’m sad and anxious I completely lose my confidence, which also comes when I’m nervous, constantly trying to juggle too much does not help that at all. I’ve learned to slow down, focus on one thing at a time and learn how to press the pause button for anger, what I need to learn to do now is how to shut down my brain at night. I can’t seem to accomplish that one, any tips would be very welcomed, I need to reintroduce meditation back into my life.

Be kind and helpful to others, not only is this good for everyone, it helps build up your confidence in the process. After you’ve helped a few people, that pride and positivity within you creates confidence. Once you have that little bit of confidence, it makes growing your confidence in general much easier. I was broken for many years, when I finally felt better, I decided to help others in my situation feel better and without realizing, that decision helped me become more confident in myself. I felt I was doing something worthwhile, therefor confidence naturally came with that good deed. 2021 seems to have a lot of bickering and arguing, this makes people feel less confident in themselves, less confident to express themselves. Always keep your confidence, don’t let others take that away from you, by ridiculing or demeaning you. Sometimes your worst enemy is within you, your inner critic, pay no attention to that heckler, instead listen out for your inner self-worth, it’s all you truly need to be happy and successful. Self-confidence is increased by doing things you like and believe in, not by doing or saying what you think others will like from you. Confidence is one of the most import traits a human can possess for an easier life, a better one, build that confidence if you lack it, and continue to grow it as much as you possibly can.

Confidence comes easier if it’s built within you when you’re young, confidence in a child should be as important as learning mathematics, if not more so. Ideally, in order to be confident, you should be in good mental and physical health, have had positive life experiences and a supportive childhood. You should generally be surrounded by people who build you up instead of those who break you down, people who help you grow, not remain stuck. Your life shouldn’t be too stressful, while still being challenging and rewarding. Remove yourself from unnecessarily stressful situations, environments and people, don’t stay stuck in a place where your self-worth can not grow. You are you and there is nobody else in the world like you, you’re unique in this whole universe, that should be more than all the confidence one needs to get started.

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