the mind and body to function high at the same time is easy, I get excited very
quickly, especially when I verbally express myself without slowing down the
mind. This has actually been a problem for me all my life, I speak very fast
because I’m speaking as quickly as my brain is thinking. When I force myself to
slow down my mind, to speak clearer and actually use full stops in my speech,
my body becomes nervous and I just want to move on from the conversation. This
usually happens to me with small talk or when beating around the bush, but when
I’m in a deep conversation, a human to human intellectual, mind expanding
conversation, that I can do for hours, whilst keeping both my mind and my body
relaxed. This I can usually accomplish better with open minded people, for
example those who would be able to believe in aliens, not because of the alien
part, that is just the example, but that open mindedness, that I can connect to
and relax with. As I try to slow my mind, my body tends to get very nervous
from within, my brain just wants to take over and think quickly, not slowly,
but to communicate properly, I have to slow it down. I usually come across as
quite nervous to many people whilst interacting with them. Valium is always
suggested to me, I hate pharmaceutical drugs, for many reasons, but at the same
time, I do understand sometimes we need a break when the nerves cannot be
controlled. Not because there is no alternative but rather in the hopes of
keeping up within the system, we’re living in. If I had more time to balance my
well-being productive side of life with my work life, I wouldn’t be struggling.
I love my job which makes it much easier, but if you don’t enjoy it, that’s
just torture, that’s not simply fixed by believing “that’s how life works”. If
a person ever does take Valium, I believe no longer than two-three months is
healthy. Valium is not the cure; it might be the “purish” button but as we all
know “purish” does not last forever.
both my mind and body to function slow at the same time, that’s the hard part
for me, at least when I play the game of trying to fit into society and keeping
up within the system. Meditation, that works well for me to slow down both the
mind and body, especially when I do it outside in the sun, this is actually the
best way for me to accomplish this but I do have other ways. Watching a TV show
I am truly invested in, reading a book I am captivated with, having a deep
conversation with someone about life and the beyond, interacting with children
(especially my nephew), driving my bike from place to place and enjoying the
moment wherever I stop. A nice warm bath, organizing my collectables, cuddling,
singing, cannabis and most importantly of all, writing. Writing is the
compromise, it’s when I let my mind run wild on me, but I release those
thoughts by typing them out. When my body is calm and my mind rushing, writing
is the only time this combination of fast mind, relaxed body, works well for
me. What might seem like scribblish and nonsensical in my first draft, in my
opinion makes a lot of sense when I rearrange, research my ideas and expand my
thoughts whilst I put it all together through rewrites.
I was very little, my mind always worked over time, the stop button, I had no
idea where it was. I’d releasee these thoughts by writing fiction, mainly funny
stories, scripts, that’s how I released my childish over
analytical-creative-imagination in order to relax the mind. I enjoyed diving
into fictional worlds, making up characters and stories was easier than
interacting in this world with all the great characters in my actual physical
life. Socialising for me means relaxing the mind in order to focus and have a
conversation but in doing so, my body gets very nervous and this to a degree
becomes exhausting for me. Writing is the reverse, the mind goes wild, whilst
the body is relaxed, not only is this more comfortable for me, I truly enjoy
the stuff my mind creates, which results in writing I am very intrigued to read
and learn from myself. My thoughts don’t make sense to me completely until I
sit down and write them out, when I read them, that’s when it all clicks for
me. I think this is natural for all humans, whilst your working, keeping up
during the day, the mind seems to be more relaxed (or at least preoccupied)
than the body but at night when your body is relaxed, when you’re trying to
sleep, does your mind not run wild on you too? If we’re connected to the
universe, and during times of peacefulness and relaxation the universe speaks
to us, might those be our thoughts, thoughts we must analyse to make sense of
them ourselves? In this hectic world and rat race we all live in; the universe
only has a short time to speak to our relaxed body. I think it mainly tries to
communicate to us at night, during our dreams, when our body and mind are both
in complete relaxation, a dream journal, I’m finally going to start one and
take it seriously.
When I
was little, I had this more out of control, through the years I learned how to
slow down the mind, whilst speaking to others, and remaining somewhat calm in
order to socialize properly and make connections with people. This I started
accomplishing in my early teens, however back in 2008 when my problems started,
especially once 2010 came along, I completely lost control of this again, I was
now twenty-three. After developing epilepsy, my brain seemed to have been
rewired, to the point where what once worked, didn’t work anymore. Not just in
controlling my mind during conversations, but also controlling it during my
writing. This time I could not control my mind to think up fun stories to
release through writing as I had always used to relax. This time, my mind was in
control, no more fun stories, Chakras, Spirituality, Spinal Cord, Epilepsy,
Politics, Bullies, DNA, Medical Marijuana, Meditation, Neurons, Pineal Glands
etc… These were the new thoughts my brain wanted to think about, therefor this
was what I was going to have to write, if I didn’t want to get into a battle
with my own mind. Before I developed epilepsy, I had ideas I wanted to write,
which I was so passionate about and spent years playing around with many fun
concepts. I wanted to write a magical fantasy adventure novel, an idea about
aliens, a story about giants who roamed the universe, an Arabian tale and so
many others, none of which I’ve gotten around to writing. After my spiritual
awakening or my mental breakdown, however you view it, my mind could no longer
focus on childish fictional stories. It had to focus on life and trying to
understand all aspects of who we are, even if it went against everything I ever
believed before my brain’s way of thinking was reborn to accept what I once
believed unacceptable.
finally when all was over, when my legal case ended, when I stood up to my
bullies, when I cured my epilepsy, when I somewhat learned to slow down my mind
again, when I understood my new mental rewiring, I had the chance to write my
first book. Would it be a fantasy adventure? Should I finally write that alien
story? How about a frog saving Christmas? No, I ended up writing a book titled
Politics, Bullies & You, never in my life, until age twenty-five, did I
ever think this would have been the first book I would have ever written. Truth
be told, it’s the best, happiest, most unexpected decision I ever made, this
was the story my mind needed me to share, I felt relief once I had put these
thoughts to paper. Also, by sharing my experience with those willing to read
it, helped me move on from the “trauma” and negativity of my past situation and
put all my effort into being positive. Maybe that’s why my brain was so
insistent that I write this, my actual real-life experience is what turned out
to be what made me an official first-time author, taking away that feeling
unknowingly of needing to share this story with others out of my subconscious.
At the same time healing myself from that past, allowing myself to move on from
it, as a learning experience and not an unlearned lesson from my life. A lesson
which has taken me through a thought-process and life direction I never would
have imagined but truly feel more fulfilled in this journey, than any of the
other ones I had set as goals beforehand, though that doesn’t mean I don’t plan
to accomplish everything I can.
As I
wrote the book, I thought am I being a little over dramatic in how deep I’m
diving into it? The spiritual, hallucinational, self-destruction leading to a
mental rebirth at a whole new way of seeing life, by questioning everything I
had ever believed, I didn’t want to add that. I didn’t want to share that part
of my story, but my gut would not let me edit out what my brain had wanted to
write. Throughout 2020, my own book made more sense to me, I finally believed I
knew why I felt the need to share this story at this moment. 2020 was all just
the beginning, now all of us our waking up together at the same time, at least
I’m being optimistic about it.
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