Politics, Bullies & You, that’s the title of my book, I wrote it back in 2017-2018 and published 2019, based on an eight-year experience between 2008-2016. When I write I like to do it for fun, this felt more like a chore, something I felt I had to share, my life throughout my twenties. At times my own story makes me come across as crazy, it’s not something I was that excited to put out there but after my particular experience, I feel very strongly that everything is heading in the wrong direction, that I felt guilty if I didn’t try to make a little bit of noise about it. After eight years of experiences, all the subjects in my book became very important to me. Ranging from a wide range of topics that might seem to have no connection to each other, but in my own journey they did. Politics, bullying, governments, unions, monkeys, depression, anxiety, stress, mental health, epilepsy, seizures, lucid dreaming, astral projection, hallucinations, neurology, third-eye, pineal gland, spiritualism, chakras, meditation, medical marijuana vs pharmaceutical drugs, life, laws, psychology, media manipulation, meanings and all aspects of a corrupt world-wide broken system we’re forced to abide by. It’s my true story based on my own personal eight-year experience within Gibraltar and my neurons, which is just as relatable all across the world, it basically applies to everyone, even bullies. It’s about how I believe our world is controlled by politics, bullies who will do anything for money and then there is the rest of us. You, me and everybody else who suffers with mental health, depression, anxiety, money problems, yes life is hard but honestly, it’s even harder to handle in the system we’re forced to live within.

Politics worldwide angers me, to a point I feel as if I were still in school, having to obey rules which complicates life, created by the education system rather than everyone else who will actually face the consequences. I’m not talking about masks, vaccinations, lockdowns, that’s a 2020 and beyond problem, I’m talking about the system in general, 2020 just seems to highlight those facts and has sped up a new world order, also known as “the new normal”, a more restricted system. Our governments should not lecture us, they are not our teachers, we are not their students, they are meant to protect us and do the job they were voted for by the people. Remember when you were still in school? Remember having to raise your hand to ask a question? Sit quietly and do as your told, learn what your taught, in those boring classes for hours, that was no childhood, I resented it and I still remember that to this day. Basically, more than half my time spent in school throughout my youth, I consider that a waste of my childhood, a waste of self-growth when it most matters. The system we’re forced to comply with, it’s not beneficial to us, it’s beneficial to those in charge of us. As we grow up, without even realizing it, we’ve been programmed to do as we’re told, stay within our restricted limits of what you’ve been taught you can achieve, don’t question, just answer, then we leave school and our governments become our new teachers. That’s also how the media manages to manipulate us into adulthood, it’s all a never-ending cycle, which in the moment might not sound like such a big deal, but in the long run it’s so damaging to the whole world. We become adults, we send our children to school, we allow the system to mould them as people, we go to work, we do our job, we pay our bills, we pay our taxes. That money is used carelessly, government gets a loan, tax increases, don’t question, just answer by doing what’s expected, pay your taxes.

So much should be changed all over the world, so many unnecessary complications and restrictions that need to be removed, that would actually be a good way to start dealing with the big mental health issues most countries seem to face these days. The truth is when you’re in power, in control, you’re wealthy, you get to live your stress-free lives but when you’re on the other end, the stress you face mostly comes from restrictions placed before you. I have problems, we all have problems, and not all of them have anything to do with our own personal governments but a lot of them do. If governments across the world can help reduce some of the problems we face due to the system we must oblige by, then it will help with our stress levels, less stress makes it easier to handle other problems life might throw at you, which have nothing to do with government. A way a government should work is if it’s making money by investing within their country, all that money should go back to that country, for all the people and not certain individuals’ pockets, therefor lowering taxes instead of increasing them, sadly that’s not how most of the world works. Thanks to the coronavirus and all the negativity it brings with it, life is just going to get harder, more restrictions, more control. If people aren’t happy with decisions governments are making, they can’t gather to demonstrate, maybe certain unnecessary decisions should not be made at this time then and what is truly considered a necessary decision? At the same time remember, a virus of some kind somehow came into existence, took over our lives, ruined so much, added so much stress, anxiety and we’re getting no answers on how this happened or if there were people responsible for its existence. Instead, we fight over masks, we fight over Trump or Biden, we fight over conspiracy theories or just not reported by the mainstream media, we fight, they win.

You have to make an effort to find the truth, it’s not just fed to you, the truth is hard to conclude but you must do the research you feel is right and not simply accept what is said to be right. If you read my book, don’t even accept my views blindly, but hopefully help them guide you when doing your own research. I hope my story, my views, my opinions, my beliefs, I hope it can in some way help others face an easier 2021. Positively I do believe that when the world hits rock bottom, there is nowhere else but up, and this time we are all rising as one. We are all born unique, our own energy making up a part of our shared universe; through education, society and the status quo, we soon become normal. We are all part of a system, one that, at times, does not work to our advantage. It’s time to open all our minds, go to sleep and listen to our dreams, learning through the night. Politics, bullies, wars, guns, famine and popups, the world needs none of that, but it does need you. This is a story about my life, my eight-year journey through a broken system, a citizen to a government who ignored me. I stopped playing and started working, only to find myself abused by my superiors. I developed epilepsy, which led to either a mental breakdown or a spiritual awakening. I then stopped working and started playing again, in doing so I regained my confidence. As much as my bullies tried to stop me, I ended up taking legal action against the Gibraltar government and in the process, I opened my mind. Life’s like a movie, write your own ending, keep believing and keep pretending, that’s what I’ve always set out to do.

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