I would like to explain why I believe the way I do, not just with 2020, but life in general, I can only feel passionately about things I’ve experienced, this I think applies to all of us. I’m passionate about our mental health care system, I cared in the past but after experiencing it, I became passionate in trying to fix it. Neglect with hospital care, I find that very concerning, though I don’t feel passionately about it, I’ve never experienced it. I’m sure others have and therefor their passion to fight and bring awareness to that will be stronger than mine. My point is, we can all have discussions, we can all tell each other how we feel it is best to better our lives and listening and talking is always good. Unfortunately, but uniquely, we all have a different story and because of that, different individuals, through life circumstances, become more passionate about certain subjects, beliefs and solutions than others. I believe working together and discussing our ideas is healthier and more proactive than fighting and squabbling in heated discussions, we just go around in circles. I just want to give you all an idea of where I’m coming from, why I am passionate about the things that I am and if it helps others understand why I think the way I do, even if we do not agree, maybe some good will come out of it.

I can’t always simply accept what I am told without doing my own research on the situation. Doctors told me I would have to take tablets all my life to control my seizures, I did not accept that, now I take no tablets and I have no seizures. For anybody interested, it was a combination of Upper Cervical Care, a ketonic diet consisting of coconut oil, cannabis oil and understanding how the body works is also very helpful. Secondly, I had a bad ear infection for three years, creams, tablets, nothing fixed it. I was told by doctors at the end that the only way to fix the problem was to make a small cut in my ear canal, I did not accept that. My Grandmother suggested I use vix, at first I laughed it off, if after three years of medical creams my ear infection had not gone away, vix would not magically do the trick. I was wrong, she was right, I cured my ear infection and did not have to make a small cut in my ear canal to accomplish this. Nothing against the medical professionals, they did their jobs fine, I just like to think outside the box, especially when it comes to my health and those of my family and friends. I share this to explain why I do not simply listen to what I am told, had I done that, I would be taking tablets all my life, I would still be suffering from epilepsy and I would have had a cut in my ear canal, because of this, I think for myself. Doctors are great, we need them, most of the doctors I’ve dealt with are wonderful at their job and have saved me and many of us many times. In a quick fix a doctor is good, I’m not knocking them down but when long term, sometimes you have to not just play around with what you’re told will help but rather what your body and mind might be leading you towards.

Back in 2008-2013 I was bullied by my employers, I fell into a depression, I developed epilepsy, I began losing my mind. Unite the Union were meant to help me, after a year they informed me I had passed my legal time limit to take any action. The Union had been dealing with my case for a year but because they kept me waiting so long, I lost my legal time frame. The Union’s lawyer told me I had no case, I would not win this, my time was up. I had spent a year suffering seizure, paying Unite from my unemployment benefit, so they could fix the problem for me, instead they tried to help Government by getting me to fail. Government accused me of lying, Unite said I had no case, I ended up in a mental hospital. The doctor at the mental hospital told me if I continued my legal pursuit against Government, I would fail, and I would end back in the mental hospital. I did not accept that; I got my own lawyer and my case began to move forward. Government lied about my accusations until the very end, when I showed them the surprise documents I had, which proved they had been lying in official legal records. I won, they settled, I proved Government wrong, I proved the Union wrong, I proved they were working together to stop me and I didn’t end up back in the mental hospital being forced to take drugs I did not need. At the end of the day, nobody ever gets removed from their positions of power, even after they are exposed, which is why I always believe, the system continues being broken. I am tired of having the places meant to help citizens be used as a means to help the accusers get away with wrongdoings on their part. When the places meant to help the people, are actually there to cover the problems, progress will never be reached. If the system were changed, if the corruption was removed, if money had no say, people would be living greater stress-free lives, we might even increase the average human life span within our world.

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