Our connection to the earth is so strong, this is our home, this is where we belong, it’s not just a coincidence we’re here, through earth’s natural electromagnetic field we are connected to the world. DNA, short for deoxyribonucleic acid, is the molecule that contains the genetic code of organisms. This includes animals, plants, protists, archaea and bacteria. DNA is in each cell in the organism and tells cells what proteins to make, these proteins are mostly enzymes. When your DNA is relaxed, loosened, it flows much more efficiently. It’s easier for it to help heal you from the inside, easier for it to battle ill-mutated cells. Control you’re DNA’s telomere, means control your aging process, control your life for the better. At the ends of each of your chromosomes are stretches of DNA called telomere. Telomere help protect the ends of your chromosomes from damage or fusing with nearby chromosomes, which slows down the aging process. However, when DNA physically tightens (based on our bodies response to it) the flow is not as efficient, it’s an anti-virus that’s not working at its fullest potential, and we’re the “computers”. DNA is such an important part of who we are and why we’re so valuable to this specific world. As is our brain, most notably for this topic, the pineal gland, our senses, our heart, our individual electromagnetic fields, auras, we’re a complex design, born ready and adaptable to communicate with the universe through our world’s own electromagnetic field.

I recently learned of a scientific study I found very interesting, it helped my thought progress grow, combining spirituality and science, trying to make them one in the same, everything is magic, until you learn how to understand it. A photon is a particle of light defined as a discrete bundle (or quantum) of electromagnetic (or light) energy. Photons are always in motion and, in a vacuum (a completely empty space), have a constant speed of light to all observers. Photons, it’s what our world is made up of, they are not thought to be made up of smaller particles, they are a natural unit of nature called an elementary particle. Photons have some basic properties that help define what they are and how they behave. Photons have zero mass, they have no electrical charge, they are stable, they carry energy and momentum which are dependant of the frequency. They can have interactions with other particles such as electrons, they can be destroyed or created by many natural processes. Photons behave like particles in that they can interact with matter, we matter too. In some cases, the energy of the photon is absorbed by the matter, in this case the extra energy, maybe emitted as heat. Our eyes also interact with photons, when a photon strikes the eye it is turned into electrical energy that is then transmitted to our brain to form an image. When the energy from photons is absorbed by matter, the matter can emit electrons. What an interesting cycle, and it all functions from within us, to as far out as it can reach. Photons is what this world is made of, DNA is what we are made off, combined they form creation.

If a person grabs an empty bottle and sucks all the air out, the bottle might appear to be empty, but inside there are still light photons. In this study light photons were captured, all air vacuumed out of its container and the light photons studied. The photons showed no alignment or pattern within the way they moved; it was constantly one hectic no rhythmed mess. When Human DNA was inserted into the container, the photons suddenly took form, there was a pattern, a creation. The photons were no longer random, they were in order, they followed precisely the geometry of the DNA. A creation that can only be accomplished when earth’s naturally existent light photons are in the presence of Human DNA, meaning you. Your body, your vessel, it carries these ingredients, the only ingredients that can cause photons to stabilise, Earth must value us so much. The stuff we’re made from, has an effect on the stuff our world is made of, when what functions within all earth’s creatures is the only thing able to stabilize earth’s photons, that’s important in my opinion, I hope nobody ever tries to manipulate our connection to the earth.

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